What are Motivated Roles & Motivated Role Theory?
Motivated Role Theory (MRT) explains how individual differences (that are manifested outwardly as personality) drive us to act preferentially in particular roles within groups, whether organizations, families, or any other group.
Motivated Roles at a Glance
MRT is based in evolutionary psychology where our behavior has been shaped to help us survive and thrive.
MRT deals with fundamental forces of motivation, not situation or transactional motivation.
Cross Cultural
MRT is related to personality theory that is cross-cultural and is tentatively valid across all cultures.
MRT helps model the complexity of motivation through a multi-trait model representing more than just motivated or not motivated.
Roles Not Poles
MRT represents roles that we are motivated to play, not poles or goals that we are motivated to attain.
MRT considers groups of people as if they were a single entity where individuals play different roles to help the larger good.